Anti-Vermin Claymore Mine
This project came about in response to a BS session with a group of friends. The topic of mousetraps came up and inevitably explosives got involved. The thought of setting up trip mines for rodents had us cracking up so I knew I had to make one, even if it was non-functional.
I started off with a normal mousetrap and striped the parts off
I dug around on the internet for pictures of claymore mines. With some reference shots I threw one together out of scrap styrene and wire.
I used parts of the trap mechanism to setup the tripwire around the perimeter of the base.
I primed the mine black then painted it dull green. I printed out a directional label on clear label paper then painted around the letters to tie the color back in.
I cut down the platter to make the lure.
After gluing down the mine I tied on some thread for the tripwire and was done.
If I had more time I'd make a fake commercial for it but it's not worth the time for what's essentially a throw-away joke.